What The World Needs Now Is Christian Men Who Will Stand Up And Lead
It’s been said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. This seems true enough on its face. But what happens to a culture that has lost all sense when it comes to defining – or even acknowledging the reality of – good and evil? What […]
Wonder Woman’s Creepy SJW Origin Story
Bondage, bisexuality, polygamy, and a mission to move the culture towards a more favorable view of each of these things. That’s the Wonder Woman origin story that DC Comics doesn’t promote much…yet…and that’s the origin story we discuss in the following video, with an emphasis on the character of Wonder Woman, her creators, and those […]
Christ-Centered Teaching Produces Christ-Like Character
Claiming to be a Christian does not make one a Christian. Few would disagree with this simple statement, though more seem to be inching (or flat out running) away from even this once obvious truth as our culture doubles down on an approach reality defined by emotion, subjectivity, and pet causes over objective truth and consistent standards. […]