Our “End Times” Madness: American Pessimillennialism vs. Biblical Optimillennialism

Back in May, we asked the question: What if we are living in early Church history? In today’s most popular versions of Christianity in America, that’s a really weird (and to some a borderline heretical) question to ask. We’ve wandered (or run) far away from our Pilgrim/Puritan founders, who undertook the greatest of adventures and placed their […]
Warp speed fantasies, realities, and the never-ending adventure to come.

In a recent article posted at The Daily Mail, the University of Sydney’s Professor Geraint Lewis talked about the possibility of something like warp drive from Star Trek becoming a reality in light of Einstein’s theory of relativity. While the article was loaded with enough qualifiers to make it anything but an endorsement of the inevitability […]
Our Star Trek just got one step closer to reality.

Back in October, we asked the question: Enterprise, Falcon, or Galactica? What will Christians use to explore the restored cosmos? It appears that Enterprise may have jumped out to an early lead of sorts. According to a report posted by The Mirror earlier this week, something akin to “Star Trek impulse drive” may have actually been developed: Flying to […]
Enterprise, Falcon, or Galactica? What will Christians use to explore the restored cosmos?

Enterprise, Falcon, or Galactica? What’ll it be? Yeah, I’m serious. And yeah, this is a big deal. (I will explain later; please hang in there and humor me ’til then.) Now, back to the important question: If you were living in a place and a time where things like space travel and space traveling ships were […]