THE HELLRAZER REPORT: Optimism and Confidence in the Age of Decentralization

“As bad as things may seem, the bad guys are not confident. They’re terrified, actually. They’re a gang of pathetic tyrant wannabes desperate to silence dissent and make one last mad grab for total control even as that opportunity slips further away from them by the minute. This is one of several reasons for great […]
Milk, Meat, Maturity, and Grace (Hell Razer Report Podcast Episode 13)

In this installment of The Hell Razer Report, we consider the need to move beyond “the elementary things of Christ” (like TULIP) and on to maturity and depth so that we might actually build something of significance upon the perfect foundation laid for us. You can listen to the podcast by clicking here. Thank you […]
Hell Razer Report Podcast: 10 Things The US Flag Actually Stands For (HRR Episode 12)

In this episode of The Hell Razer Report, we run through 10 Things The US Flag Actually Stands For as originally posted in an article here last week, with some added observations and commentary. You can listen to the podcast by clicking here. Thank you as always for your prayers, encouragement, and support! If you know of […]
No Uncle Scam, You Cannot Have Our Daughters – The Hell Razer Report Podcast (Episode 11)

Who owns you? Do you own you? Or does the American State own you? Put another way: Are you free? Or are you the property – the slave – of the State? In this episode of The Hell Razer Report, we consider recent legislation passed through the US Senate that would have women register for the draft, […]
Why Brexit Scares DC To Death (And Why That’s A Beautiful Thing) – The Hell Razer Report Podcast (Episode 10)

In last week’s installment of The Hell Razer Report podcast (sorry for sharing it here a week late!), we explored the upcoming “Brexit” vote that could enable Britain to finally leave the European Union. We examine how the concept of decentralization highlighted by this historic vote is both beautiful and ultimately inevitable as the Kingdom of God […]
“God’s Gifts Of Technology And Decentralization” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast (Episode 9)

In this edition of The Hell Razer Report podcast, we explore the purpose and nature of technology, with an emphasis on the opportunities God is providing right here and now for the radical decentralization of power, as well as the economic and creative liberation of individuals, families, and local church bodies. You can access the program by clicking here. […]
“Should We Say The Pledge of Allegiance? (Hint: No.)” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

Should we personally pledge our loyalty to the indivisible power of the State over us? Would the Founding Fathers have taken such a pledge during or after their very well documented rejection of such indivisible State power? Should we care that the American Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist in the late 1890s for […]
“Always Remember: Apart from God’s grace, you and I are complete morons.” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

How do we learn any good thing? . . . like basic bath, language, logic, table manners, or how to properly tie our shoes. . . How do we acquire any good thing? . . . like trade skills, economic sense, or material wealth. . . How do we cultivate any good thing? . . […]
“Can We Please Stop Rearranging Deckchairs On the Public School Titanic?” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

Do we want disciples of the State or disciples of Christ? Pick one. Choose this day whom you will serve…and to whom you will give over your children for mind-sculpting and worldview training. In this week’s episode of The Hell Razer Report we take a look at a popular saying regularly used by lazy American professing […]
“How Prince practiced what Christians pretend to believe.” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

In this week’s episode of The Hell Razer Report, we consider the impact of the recently deceased pop culture icon Prince and how he embraced the application of his worldview in all that he did, including his art. We contrast Prince’s appreciation and application of a comprehensive (satanic) worldview with the lack of such comprehensive application by most professing […]
“Andrew Jackson, Harriet Tubman, and why arguing over Monopoly Money portraits is REALLY dumb.” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

In this week’s episode of The Hell Razer Report, we explore the nature of America’s fiat economic construct in light of Proverbs 11:1 while encouraging Christians not to buy into the comical distractions being offered up where Andrew Jackson and Harriet Tubman are concerned. You can access this episode of The Hellrazer Report podcast by clicking here. Thank […]
“Real Men Don’t Tweet…Or Do They?” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

In this episode of The Hellrazer Report podcast, we tackle recent news regarding North Carolina’s “bathroom bill” and the backlash it inspired from companies like Apple and PayPal. In this context, we consider how Christians are to interact with the products and services of top tier technology companies, particularly when those companies are run by people at war with the Kingdom […]
“Building Bridges and Razing Hell Through The End Times” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

In this week’s installment of The Hellrazer Report podcast, we encourage believers to seek and seize opportunities to advance the Kingdom of God wherever those opportunities may lie…even (and especially) when they’re not in our preferred areas (or comfort zones) and even when they don’t seem to “fit into our schedule”. In other words: Be careful what you […]
“What if we are living in early Church history?” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

Today marks the launch of The Hell Razer Report, a 15 minute-ish weekly podcast that I’m happy and thankful to be hosting on Reconstructionist Radio. The inaugural episode centers on the question “What if we are living in early Church history?” and encourages Christians to understand, embrace, and enjoy the beautiful, matchlessly inspiring and […]