The Shots Seen ‘Round The World (And Why They Terrify The Left)

Few things terrify the Left (or the Big Government Right) more than the thought of independent, responsible, mature adults being armed, able, and willing to take care of themselves. This great truth is shining as never before in the wake of the Kyle Rittenhouse story. For those who are unfamiliar with Mr. Rittenhouse and recent events […]
Jussie Smollett’s Christian-Enabled Hate Privilege

#HatePrivilege is all the rage. . In our culture, some people are not only free to hate, but are encouraged to do so at every turn by corporations, governments, and even “progressive” churches…all in the name of “fighting hate”. . Here in ‘Merika, if you want to openly discriminate against, oh, let’s just say for […]
The Amerikan Vision: Virtue Signaling, Inquisitions & SJW Appeal

Should Christians promote “Social Justice”? Should we become “Social Justice Warriors”? Should we take up the “Social Justice” flag as a big red banner around which to rally? (And let’s face it: That particular banner is very red.) Or are we better served (and better serving others) by standing clearly against the SJW vibe and […]