Anything Worth Funding Can And Should Be Funded VOLUNTARILY
Wanna see just how far from freedom-loving even the typical “conservative” in America has become? Ask ’em why their precious public schools should be funded by the confiscation and redistribution of property and wealth. Then watch ’em squirm before defending said confiscation and redistribution of wealth. That’s what passes for “conservatism” in America these days. […]
What Seattle’s Socialist Insanity Tells Us About America’s Socialist Insanity
Stealing is the norm in America. This has been so for longer than any of us can remember because it has been so for longer than any of us have been alive. “We the People” steal from our neighbor all the time, and are vigorously encouraged to go right on doing so by both of the […]
Voluntary Exchange vs. Coercive Force (Or: True Freedom vs. American Socialism)
Is it okay to covet your neighbor’s property? And then take some of it? To spend on yourself? Or others? In America, the answer is a loud and clear: Of course! Especially if and when your neighbor has more stuff than you, and doubly so if they have a whole lot more than you. But […]