How fear-fueled politics compels cowardly American Christians to choose wicked leadership. – Fire Breathing Christian Podcast Episode 7

In this installment of The Fire Breathing Christian Podcast, we begin a week-long run of diving deep into subjects and issues shaping the culture around us, beginning with America’s fear-fueled approach to politics. We examine the useful myth of “the lesser evil” and take look at how we’ve allowed fear of everything and everyone but God to […]
Being supernaturally optimistic in a naturally pessimistic world.

The past six months or so have been fairly wild and wacky here in America. It’s been a surreal, bizarre time in a decidedly Twilight Zone kind of way. Without Christ as the Anchor in this storm, it’s easy to see how a typical “good conservative” (and perhaps even professing Christian) American might have gotten concerned, alarmed, or even […]