“Andrew Jackson, Harriet Tubman, and why arguing over Monopoly Money portraits is REALLY dumb.” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

In this week’s episode of The Hell Razer Report, we explore the nature of America’s fiat economic construct in light of Proverbs 11:1 while encouraging Christians not to buy into the comical distractions being offered up where Andrew Jackson and Harriet Tubman are concerned. You can access this episode of The Hellrazer Report podcast by clicking here. Thank […]
Maybe we should care less about whose face is on our fake money…and more about the fact that it’s fake money.

With recent news of Harriet Tubman being slated to replace Andrew Jackson on the Federal Reserve $20 Note, Americans from sea to shining sea are pouring out heartfelt, passionate praise and/or criticism, arguing for or against the change in portraits on American Monopoly Money. On the plus side, at least Americans are paying attention to […]