Crazed Barbarian Feminist Rants Against Jordan Peterson’s All Meat Diet

We simply cannot trust our own system-defying independent thoughts and experiences, no matter how well informed, well researched, and well tested those thoughts and approaches may be, if they do not conform to what the system-certified “experts” of the day proclaim to be true on any given subject. So says Emer O’Toole as she goes […]
Jordan Peterson & The Re-Popularization Of Longform Conversation

Of all the forms and flavors of Orwellian idiocy that Dr. Jordan B. Peterson has become widely known and appreciated for confronting, perhaps none has been as important as his reinvigoration of the long-lost (or is that long abandoned?) arts of longform thought and longform conversation by routinely trampling the notion that people these days […]
Lone Ranger Christianity’s Cathy Newman Complex

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