The Essential First Step To Renewing Our Culture

How do we actually take our train-wreck of a culture, turn it around, and transform it into something of breathtaking beauty? Sound impossible? Well, it is…apart from the Gospel-fueled Great Commission. The Great Commission in action really can and will supernaturally resurrect and transform dead lives, families, communities and even entire civilizations, all by God’s […]
Encouraging Christian Leaders To Lead As Christians

Why does God raise up Christian leaders? To mimic unbelievers by modeling the same dismissive, destructive approach that they naturally take to His Word. Nope. God raises up Christian leaders to lead as Christians. This is the critical subject that we dove into in last week’s Tennessee General Assembly Bible Study in Nashville, which I’d […]
Jesus As The Essential Foundation Of Education

Who is God? What are men and women? What is the purpose of human life? The answers to these questions form the foundation of every philosophy of education. There are no exceptions. These are also some of the key questions and answers that we kicked around in this week’s Bible Study at the Tennessee […]