Fear Mongering from Anti-Preppers Soars (All in the Name of Fighting Fear)

Do you like having access to things like food, water, and toilet paper? Do you like for your children to have access to things like food, water, and toilet paper? Are you a happy, calm, responsible adult who thinks that having a couple months’ supply of such things on hand for your family is a […]
That Time When “Social Justice” Media Accidentally Lynched Itself

Just when the unhinged, hate-filled, anti-Christian bigots permeating mainstream NPC media were sure they’d found the picture-perfect opportunity for a lynching, things went terribly wrong, and fast. No sooner had Cultural Marxist “Social Justice” pimps and pillagers prepped and peddled the nooses by which a group of white (!) male (!!) Catholic (!!!) MAGA-hat-wearing […]