Why Sane People Ignore SJW Demands On Sex And Gender

On the one hand we’re supposed to be obsessed with pursuing “proper representation” (which is conveniently left undefined) of women in movies, games, comics, and jobs of all sorts. And on the other hand, Bruce Jenner is a woman. Really. Not. Even. Kidding. This is what passes for “reality” in the crazyland of Social Justice […]
SJW Disease Turns Once-Popular WW2 Simulation Into Smoldering Pile Of Politically Correct Trash

What happens when the history-revising, reality-denying disease known as Social Justice Warrior-ism is allowed to infect a combat simulator based on World War 2? Check out our latest video to find out: If the above embedded player doesn’t work, you can access the clip by clicking here. Please share it wherever you think it might be […]
Pikachu!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! (Or: When Christians are terrified by Pokemon, you know we’re in serious trouble.)

There are certain telltale signs of how the culture war is going. Whether we notice ’em or not, whether we like ’em or not when we do notice them, or whether we want to deal with them or not once we decide we don’t like ’em, they’re there all around us, jumping up and down […]
Escapism vs. Exaltation: Two Opposing Motives for Sci-Fi and Fantasy

Why do we imagine? Why do we fantasize? What is healthy fantasy? What is unhealthy fantasy? How do we determine the difference between the two and live in light of that distinction? How do we understand and interact with things like Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, The Chronicles of Narnia or […]
Every Game Captive: The Christian Call to Christ-Centered Gaming (Part 1)

[While this is a post on the subject of gaming from a Christian worldview perspective, it’s gonna take a bit longer than usual to get to where the rubber meets the road on this one. Before we get there, we need to kick around some relevant biblical concepts and dig into several key reference points […]
Taking Children’s Education and Video Games Captive to Christ (Interview with Colin Gunn of “The Colin Gunn Show”)

“Christian, Liberty and Scottish Perspectives” With a tagline like that, you know something supercool is coming. That’s exactly what you get with Colin Gunn, the creative force behind some of the finest Christian worldview based documentaries that have ever been made (see: IndoctriNation:Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America and Wait Till It’s Free). Colin also […]