The Shots Seen ‘Round The World (And Why They Terrify The Left)
Few things terrify the Left (or the Big Government Right) more than the thought of independent, responsible, mature adults being armed, able, and willing to take care of themselves. This great truth is shining as never before in the wake of the Kyle Rittenhouse story. For those who are unfamiliar with Mr. Rittenhouse and recent events […]
Why Leftists Routinely Murder Diversity (And Millions Of People Along The Way)
Why is it becoming commonplace for Leftists and anti-Christians of various sorts to openly advocate and practice acts of physical violence against those who dare not share (and have the nerve to openly oppose) their worldview? . For the same basic reason that major corporations are now colluding in an attempt to de-platform those who […]
Government Deploys Public School Drones In Battle For “Gun Control”
The drones are coming. Not the unmanned mechanical kind that we’ve become all too familiar with in recent years, though the drones we’re talking about are every bit as State-programmed as any Predator-like product deployed in any of our numerous, perpetually ongoing overseas military campaigns. While those mechanical tools are generally employed to enhance the […]
Nobody Does Mass Shootings Like Governments Armed With Gun Control
Every time there’s a mass shooting in America, advocates of centralized power in media, politics, and government use that event as an opportunity to do two things: 1. Continue to ignore the most massive of mass shootings and mass murders in human history while they… 2. Aggressively promote the core policy that made most, if […]
How about background checks for governments wanting guns?
Ever stopped to notice that most gun grabbers like to grab a lot more than guns? Like private property rights, privacy rights, free speech liberties, and vulnerable women, to name a few in no particular order. It’s as though the more power some people are given (particularly people operating in the highest levels of the […]
The Evil of Gun Control (1 Minute of Truth VIDEO)
What’s so evil about gun control? That’s a question we addressed in a recent post entitled What Gun Control Really Means, and that’s the question we aim to cover here in our third 1 Minute of Truth video: If the above embedded player doesn’t work, you can access the clip by clicking here. Please share it wherever […]
What Gun Control Really Means
Let’s be clear about one thing: “Gun control” is not about the elimination of guns. It’s not about removing guns from the culture. Gun control is about the consolidation of dangerous weapons in the hands of the most dangerous organization in all of human history: Government. Which leads us to democide, a term defined as […]