How to undo history, American Socialist style.

One of the most important – perhaps the most important – thing that we can understand about mobs of young people rioting, looting, and pursuing open revolution in cities across the United States is that the course to where we are now was deliberately set many generations ago and that the state-run “education” of children […]
Is it ever okay to refuse to salute (or sing or pledge) to the U.S. flag?

Little children, keep yourselves from idols. ~ 1 John 5:21 Is it ever okay to refuse to salute the U.S. flag? Is it ever okay to refuse to sing the U.S. national anthem? Is it ever okay, or maybe even proper, to refuse to take pledges of loyalty to the indivisible power of whatever State rules […]
The queer shall inherit the earth? Actually, no. (Stonewall vs. Stonewall: A Collision of Kingdoms)

“The queer shall inherit the earth.” That’s what a gang of tolerance Nazis desperately trying to shout down, drown out, and generally intimidate dissent (all in the name of love, of course) had scrawled on a banner they carried along to protest a college campus appearance by Pastor Doug Wilson. That banner and those Nazis are featured subjects […]
The Smell of Progress
I can remember living in Seattle just over a decade ago, right before the world was scheduled to end by way of another colossal Microsoft screw-up. Maybe all the techno-apocalyptic hubbub was just another marketing ploy concocted for the likes of Hal Lindsey and Pat Robertson, or maybe it was all a part of prepping the world for Vista. We may never know, but, whatever the case on the Y2K front, Seattle in 1999 definitely was an interesting place to be.
The political sea was churning.
The world was watching.
Progress was in the air.
Hmmm…a connection? Maybe?
Man must realize that a fundamental law of necessity reigns throughout the whole realm of Nature and that his existence is subject to the law of eternal struggle and strife . . .where the strong are always the masters of the weak and where those subject to such laws must obey them or be destroyed, one general law leading to the advancement of all organic beings . . . let the strongest live and the weakest die.”
Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
Create a Godless Nation? YES! WE! CAN!
The people of Martin Luther’s Reformation became the nation of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich in much the same way that the people of the American Revolution have become the nation of Barack Obama’s “Yes We Can [insert whatever you like here]!”