Where Marriage and Politics Intersect

It should come as no surprise that the King of kings has opinions on the subject of marriage and that said opinions are perfect in every way because, among other things, the King in question is the Author, Definer, and Sustainer of marriage. With that in mind, how do we chart a path to understanding […]
The Case Against Judging God

Is it ever wise to put God on trial? Is it ever proper to judge God’s motives and works by our standards? This week in our Tennessee General Assembly Bible study, we’ll be tackling Part 3 of our “Know Your Enemy” series. This week we will be focusing on the inherent stupidity (and danger) of […]
Tackling The Myth Of Neutrality In The State Capitol

This week in our Tennessee General Assembly Bible study, we tackled Part 2 of our “Know Your Enemy” series, with a focus on the myth of neutrality. It was a blast! Our parallel study for staff members and anyone else involved in the legislative process in Nashville will happen on Friday at noon, so please pray […]
Know Your Enemy: Understanding the serpent, the fall, and the nature of rebellion against Jesus.

How important is it to rightly understand what happened in Eden when the serpent made its pitch and Eve bit on it (literally)? How important is it that we understand the basic foundation of the satanic proposition recorded in Genesis 3 so that we might identify and confront various versions of the same lame lie […]