DC Comics Artist Uses National Comic Book Day To Proclaim Brett Kavanaugh A “Likely Rapist”

What better way to spend National Comic Book Day if you’re an SJW contributor at DC Comics than to use your “comic pro” status on social media to proclaim that Brett Kavanaugh is “likely a rapist”? Why do the same SJW’s tend to think of Bill Clinton or [insert random Kennedy here] as heroes? And […]
Batman Goes Full Frontal Stupidity

DC Comics recently released a new Batman comic book in which Batman is presented in frontal nudity form. While the new title, appropriately titled Batman: Damned, gives us clarity on parts of Batman that few, if any, Batman fans actually want, perhaps the even more pathetic and disappointing revelation made plain by Batman: Damned is […]
Saving Comics, Sci-Fi, and Super Heroes: The Power of Fan-Set Canon Over SJW-Stolen Icons

Does the enthusiasm of SJW’s to turn long-established cultural icons into perversion-promoting tools make you ill? Does the determination of SJW’s to sacrifice cherished heroes and franchises on the alter of their warped worldview make you sick? If your answer to these questions is yes, then I have some very good news: We don’t have […]
Wonder Woman’s Creepy SJW Origin Story

Bondage, bisexuality, polygamy, and a mission to move the culture towards a more favorable view of each of these things. That’s the Wonder Woman origin story that DC Comics doesn’t promote much…yet…and that’s the origin story we discuss in the following video, with an emphasis on the character of Wonder Woman, her creators, and those […]