With “conservative experts” like these, who needs Darth Vader?

If you thought the proliferation of Dumb and Dumber sequels was a really bad sign for America, you oughta check out Fox News‘ endless parade of “conservative” commentators (many of whom claim to be Christian, of course). These guys (and gals) effortlessly captivate the hearts, minds, and political passions of vast numbers of professing Christians in the land, leading […]
Fox News Equates God’s Law With Islam. American “Conservative Christians” say, “Amen!”

If there’s one thing that absolutely terrifies the typical politically “conservative” churchgoing professing Christian in America, it is the Nature of God as revealed in His Word and Law. More specifically, they’re petrified at even the thought of that Law-Word being taken seriously. As in: applied. As in: for real. As in: Not just […]
Obacalypse Now: War, Famine, Pestilence, and Wicked Leadership in Romans 1 America.

Okay, so you can probably tell by the title that this post isn’t exactly gonna be “the feel good hit of the summer”. In some ways, that’s a pretty solid assessment. But in one great big fundamental sense, addressing these “signs o’ the times” head on ought to inspire some of the greatest, most positive feelings imaginable […]