Dukes of Hazzard vs. Planned Parenthood: A Body Count Comparison

There’s something wild, wacky, surreal, and downright evil about the selective outrage over things like icons of the Confederacy while, right here and now all across the fruited plain from sea to shining sea in the “land of the free” and the home of the NSA, there are baby butchering facilities operating proudly and openly […]
If Dylann Roof really wanted to kill a lot of black people, he should’ve gotten a job at Planned Parenthood.

[To better understand this post in context, readers are highly encouraged to consider the accompanying article: Black Lives Matter (Even in the Womb). Thank you.] Shooter Dylann Roof, perpetrator of the horrific murder of nine at a place of worship in Charleston last night is by all early accounts a thoroughly troubled character with a seething hatred […]