How to undo history, American Socialist style.

One of the most important – perhaps the most important – thing that we can understand about mobs of young people rioting, looting, and pursuing open revolution in cities across the United States is that the course to where we are now was deliberately set many generations ago and that the state-run “education” of children […]
Is it ever okay to refuse to salute (or sing or pledge) to the U.S. flag?

Little children, keep yourselves from idols. ~ 1 John 5:21 Is it ever okay to refuse to salute the U.S. flag? Is it ever okay to refuse to sing the U.S. national anthem? Is it ever okay, or maybe even proper, to refuse to take pledges of loyalty to the indivisible power of whatever State rules […]
What will future generations of victorious Christians think of your individual impact for the Great Commission?

How will future generations of Spirit-filled Christians view your individual contribution to the Great Commission? When they read about it, I mean. On the Internet (or whatever comes after the Internet). And make no mistake: They will read about it. They will, in most cases, have access to oodles and oodles of details where your faith (or […]