51,000,003 reasons why America owes Nazi Germany an apology.

[Author’s note: Since this was written in the summer of 2015, America has added millions to the death toll of innocent baby boys and girls murdered in the name of “freedom” and “liberty”. – SAB 11/8/17] The typical American guy is a stat hound. In the Internet-fueled era of things like fantasy football and day-trading, we’ve become […]
Note to Allen West: American “Christians” have dismembered FAR more children than ISIS this year.

In case y’all haven’t heard, Allen West, along with pretty much every other Neo-Con tool in America, thinks that we need to man up, get serious, and roll headlong into serious war mode in Iraq…again… Why, you may ask? (While such questions are still allowed to be asked here in the “land of the free” and […]