Trump Owns Evangelicals Through Relentless Barrage of Jedi Mind Tricks

GOP front-runner (and likely sith lord) Donald Trump continued to maintain a magical, svengali-like grip on the simple, submissive minds of thousands of voting evangelicals as his dark march toward the Republican nomination rolled through Super Tuesday and on into March. “Man, I wish I could do anything close to that,” said a still-recovering, disheveled and […]
How’s that GOP loyalty pledge looking now, Mr. Cruz/Bush/Rubio/Carson?

Deals with The Devil are a bad idea. As it turns out, deals with The Donald aren’t so bright either. Yet that’s exactly what Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, and all the rest of the Republican President wannabes jumped into back in the fall of 2015 when they each personally, proudly, and quite publicly pledged […]
Rubio and Cruz fight over who can ignore Scripture the most (in practice) while claiming to love it the loudest (in word).

In keeping with the now long-standing American tradition of professing Christian conservatives claiming the name of Christ and an affinity for the Bible in word while pretty much ignoring the Word of God on law and civil government in practice, Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have locked horns in a political life-and-death battle over who will carry the […]
RoboRubio explodes on debate stage after getting stuck in its own feedback loop.

Who says the American Political Puppet Show isn’t entertaining? Oh sure, the whole thing’s a comically contrived, controlled game aimed at amusing and distracting Americans from noticing, much less dealing with, the real problems of ever-expanding Statism and the unfolding wrath of God upon a proud, unrepentant “We the People” (with the former being an example […]
Marco Rubio: “God’s rules always win.” Now ignore ’em all and vote for me!

“God’s rules always win.” File that sweet line atop the Marco Rubio section of the “it would be awesome if they really believed it” section 0f quotes from GOP candidates now predictably making the rounds pretending to love and revere the law of God in order to snag the votes and cash of politically active professing Christians in America. As […]
Welcome to the 2016 Parade of Republican Statists

Wanna know where the long term embrace of a wildly unbiblical “lesser of two evils” approach to leadership selection leads? Wanna know how easy it is for anti-Christian corporate/banking elites to steer us straight on into hard core Statism through their production, promotion, and control of The All-American Political Puppet Show? Well there’s no need to wonder. Just […]
Rubio makes Orwellian case for perpetual war even better than Bush; “conservative Christians” swoon.

If there’s one thing that American “conservative Christians” have been conditioned to love, it’s war. War overseas, of course – the kind that you can take in via Fox News from the relative safety and comfort of your rented-from-the-State-to-fund-State-controlled-children’s-“education” home here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA. (See: How […]