So the GOP wants to “repair” rather than “repeal” ObamaCare (and every other satanic Socialist program in America). How awesome is that?!

So the GOP is gonna “fix” Socialism for us! Again! Like they’ve “fixed” the satanic/Socialist public school system. And like they’re “fixed” the satanic/Socialist Social Security system. And like they’ve “fixed” the satanic, black magic fiat economic system that inherently makes masses dependent upon those who claim for themselves the power to magically create fake money out […]
Anti-Christ American Conservatism: It’s All The Rage

For those still clinging to the increasingly flamboyant delusion that the secular Republican Party and its secular conservatism isn’t gonna lead its followers to hell just as surely as any gang of (more openly) Communistic, Progressive, anti-Christ thugs, God is shouting at you right now. He doesn’t have to, of course. He owes you nothing. But He’s showing you things […]
The Many “Conservative” Faces of American Statism

“Fixed” Social Security…”improved” State-run children’s education…”strengthened” Medicare…”necessary” State-run “safety nets”… Welcome to the New Conservatism – a “conservatism” that is flat out socialistic. State-run this, that, and the other thing aren’t just the cherished, protected tools of the Pagan Political Left. They are equally adored and useful to the Pagan Political Right. Just look at […]