How to tell a baby Christian from a false convert.

A baby Christian repents. A false convert does not. I hope that this clarification is helpful. If you’ve benefitted from the work done at Fire Breathing Christian, we ask that you consider financially supporting the cause. You can do this in one of three ways: You can drop a few bucks in the tip […]
Donald Trump, Paula White and America’s “Conservative Christian” Prosperity Gospel

Who needs to actually repent of a satanic economic system built upon magical fake money printed out of thin air when you can just go on and on doing more of the same? Who needs to actually repent of truckloads of satanic/Marxist constructs like Social Security and public schools when you can just keep ’em going for another […]
Please pray that Donald Trump will be saved from the evangelical leaders who are sacrificing him for political gain.

Is Donald Trump playing America’s politically obsessed and thoroughly paganized evangelicals like a bunch of cheap fiddles, just like pretty much every GOP nominee before him? Oh yeah. Sure thing. No doubt about it. No surprise either. But could it be that these evangelicals – particularly the leaders of American evangelicalism – are actually playing Trump? […]