What’s the real “state of the union”? Do we even want to know?

It’s that “State of the Union” time again, a time when political leaders at State and Federal levels give grand speeches yammering on about how great, awesome, and incredibly well off we are. While some of the points they make are rooted in truth, most are not. But how do we know which is which? […]
When Idols Collide: What is God showing us by pitting two American idols against one another?

While many of the conversations and commentaries supposedly aimed at examining the ongoing Patriotism vs The NFL drama are loaded with silliness and distract from far more meaningful points than they illuminate, there’s still much gold to be mined here. There are many worthwhile points to notice and questions to consider. Questions like, “What is God […]
To bow or not to bow: President Trump, American pride, and submitting to the King.

To bow or not to bow. That is the question. Or at least it has been over the past few days of President Trump’s diplomatic adventure to Saudi Arabia. While there’s a truckload of strangeness worthy of examination where the nature of Saudi Arabia and its relationship the United States is concerned, the hope here is to take this opportunity […]
Want to see America in Scripture? Try Psalm 2.

Every now and again someone somewhere tries to “find America” in Scripture. It’s in this context that I offer for your consideration… Psalm 2 Verse 1: Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? Why do “We the People” rage against Christ as King? Why do we despise and reject even the […]