Happy Reformation Day 2016 (Now get to work!)

As we roll to and through yet another Reformation Day here on this side of the inevitable victory in every realm, area, nook and cranny of creation, there are a few things I’d like to take a moment to share as we all savor the moment, contemplate the opportunities, and tackle the mission that our King has […]
Happy Reformation Day! (Now get to work!)

‘Round this time last year we posted On October 31, are we walking dead or are we supernatural reformers? There we asked a handful of questions, including: What is true biblical Reformation? What does the supernatural Gospel do to a person who, by the grace of God, repents and believes in response to the command to do so? […]
On October 31, are we walking dead or are we supernatural reformers?

So what is today to you? Is it Halloween, Reformation Day, or just another Friday? Most professing Christians would go with the first or the last. The middle option usually isn’t even on our radar. Most of us don’t even know that there is such a thing as Reformation Day…or that there is, in fact, right here […]