Quick! The rigged markets are crashing (again)! Time to print more “money”!

Few things are as thoroughly fictional as professional wrestling, the presidential-level political system in America, and the satanic “money out of thin” air economic system that keeps ’em both afloat. Along those lines, if you’re honestly wondering what a sure sign of a real, serious, meaningfully and positively impactful (in a biblical way) presidential candidate would look […]

The fiction of U.S. “free markets” and why they can’t last in God’s creation.

Our completely contrived and purposefully rigged stock market is quaking. Again. Isn’t it great that we have the anti-Christian black magic of fiat economics and the Federal Reserve to “protect” us from anything resembling a truly free and real commercial marketplace? (See: Fiat $lavery: We have been bought and paid for…with nothing.) Isn’t it awesome that […]

Why our economic Jenga Tower Of Babel must fall. (Hint: Proverbs 11:1)

So the stock market is careening (again), the talking heads are flipping out (again), and our dearly beloved pagan “leaders” and “experts” are being looked to for economic security and salvation (again). Welcome to the world of Fiat $lavery, an economic construct built upon the laughably insane and wildly unbiblical notion that some should have the […]