Turkey is our friend, Russia is our enemy, and we’ve always been at war with Eastasia.

In Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, the author presents us with a dystopic future in which a Western Super-state pursues perpetual war and public manipulation through, among other things, the use of omnipresent government surveillance. Sound familiar? Those living under the domination of this Western Super-state are encouraged to embrace more overt Socialism and more brutal Statism through, among other things, the […]

Turkey, NATO, and the US-backed Funding of ISIS

When even The Washington Post is forced to cover (and try to spin) the widespread suspicion of ISIS as a US supported tool, you know things are gettin’ really wacky. And that’s exactly what happened earlier today in a piece titled “Iraqis think the U.S. is in cahoots with the Islamic State, and it is hurting […]