
Remember when phony niceness was a repugnant thing? These days, it’s become standard operating procedure in much of the church, and with predictably catastrophic results. In our surrender to the new love and our fear of its right-hand hatchet-man, the dreaded “unloving” tag, we have thickly seeded our own lands with mines and built barricades to protect enemy strongholds.

As a result, man-centered, emotion-driven “love” has been used most hatefully and effectively against the bride of Christ…often from within the professing church itself. There have been costly surrenders of Truth to the enemy on many fronts, but there have been three particularly catastrophic losses to the culture through the church’s abandonment of a Christ-centered understanding of love:

While enduring this sort of reactive name-calling and character assassination is simply a natural consequence of biblical fidelity in practice, we must take to heart the fact that this is nothing new and it is always a sign of our honoring Christ. Each and every time we get slapped with the unloving tag for these reasons, we should wear it like a badge of honor (though never arrogantly or self-righteously, as though out Christ-honoring stand is anything but a demonstration of His freely given grace to us). Wear it that way because that is exactly how Christ sees it. The “fellowship of persecution” is, as God the Holy Spirit has told us, a beautiful thing.

So take heart and keep that eternal perspective, Christian.

Faithfully, lovingly proclaim and apply the Gospel-fueled Great Commission of Christ the King in every realm of His creation, right here and right now…after all, that’s the only truly loving thing to do.

The above post is adapted from a chapter of the book Fire Breathing Christians entitled Progressive Love: Nicely Escorting People to Hell.


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