
Kermit playing the field?

Miss Piggy considering breast augmentation?


And why not?

Why wouldn’t even our Muppets become jaded and tainted by the rot we’ve tolerated and embraced as a people?

One of the most ridiculous lies we’ve embraced is the notion that anything is safe from the corrupting power of unaddressed sin – the idea that one area of life can be kept safe or sequestered from another that is given over. We now actually seem to believe that sinful behavior in one realm – like law, economics, or education – can be left to roll on without fear of it eventually corrupting every other area of life.

Put another way, we like to believe that our NFL football, our family life, our movie preferences, our church life, our toys, our politics, our games, and our entertainment preferences are all separate things that can be managed distinctly from one another in a manner that prevents the sin in one area from contaminating all the rest. (See: Art, math, beauty, logic, law and economics…it’s all about Him.)

This ridiculous (and ridiculously popular) lie is killing us.

It’s killing our sports, our movies, our politics, our families, our culture, and our civilization…including even our precious Muppets.

Like it or not, everything is connected.

And not just connected, but connected to and through Christ (see: Colossians 1:16-17).

This is why our NFL and NBA are getting darker by the day.

This is why our film, music, and televised entertainment is getting more pathetic by the sequel, album, and spin-off.

This is why our cell phone, home improvement supply, and nacho cheese tortilla chip providers are getting more aggressively gay by the hour.

This is why our games, hobbies, and toys are getting raunchier by the minute.

This is what the judgment of God looks like upon a culture, and that judgment touches everything.

Including even Kermit the Frog.

In ABC’s Sordid Prostitution of the Once-Sweet Muppets, published this week by The New York Post, we learn about the “edgy” new path that’s been charted for Kermit & Co. in the brand new, just-launched series, The Muppets TV Show:

“Tuesday’s premiere was a half-hour of tough-to-watch anthropomorphized drama dominated by the puppets’ troubled love lives, choked with “jokes” for adults that all turned on bathing Henson’s sweet and innocent creations in the tropes of our cynical age.

The show — done documentary-style, like “The Office” — focuses almost exclusively on the complex (and “realistic”) relationship storylines of the characters, Miss Piggy, Kermit and Fozzie Bear.

From jokes about Miss Piggy’s bikini waxes to gags on boob jobs, tummy tucks and butt lifts, the humor (such as it is) comes out of late-night comedy-club routines.

. . . The utter dearth of kid-appropriate material is clearly intentional. As one of the show’s puppeteers suggested in the media last month, the show is “a little edgy.” Because that’s what The Muppets needed: an edge.

What’s next? Kermit deals with drug addiction, AIDS, gender reassignment surgery? Perhaps Miss Piggy (or Kermit’s new girlfriend) should deal with infertility. Or let’s all have a laugh riot while one of them visits an abortion clinic.”

Again, why not? What else are we to expect?

If God’s Word is not our standard in all things, then how can it truly be our standard in any?

The Post article continued:

“. . . children do pick up on the innuendo, dirty jokes and adult humor. At the least, they ask questions — making it very uncomfortable for parents who didn’t expect a night watching “The Muppets” to prompt discussion of divorce, infidelity, the hook-up culture, Hollywood’s preoccupation with plastic surgery and other issues usually reserved for adults.

It isn’t just parents who crave innocent content for their kids; adults crave innocent themes and entertainment as well.

And when it comes to classics like The Muppets, the right course is to protect what’s best about the gifts left us by creators universally described as gentle, kind and sweet — not to taint them by plundering their charm.”

While the author of this helpful article provides us with some much needed, albeit painful, info, what she is not able to provide is a coherent basis for her criticisms and concerns and, therefore, no coherent basis upon which to address those concerns or solve problems.

This is where the comprehensive nature of the Christian worldview stands alone as the only real means by which the many problems of our sick and dying culture can not only be diagnosed, but confronted and cured.

article continues below


This is where the Christian must always ask the question: By what standard?

By what standard is any of this wrong?

By what standard is anything wrong?

By what standard is anything – any political, economic, artistic or educational thing – right or wrong?

The Christian must then answer each and every one of these questions by proclaiming and applying the perfect authority of the Nature of God as revealed in His Word.

That’s our job.

That’s why God has us here in the middle of this All-American “We the People” as god in practice nightmare.

He has us here to stand.

He has us here to model and lead in obedience; to model and lead in loving subjugation to Christ the King in every area of life and realm of His creation…including the political realm, the economic realm, the legal realm, and yes, even the Muppet realm. (See also: Presuppositional Law: Where we begin with law determines where we end.)

It all belongs to Him. We are to  lovingly take it all captive to Him (see: 2 Corinthians 10:5). We are to lovingly confront and correct each other and those around us in accordance with His Gospel-fueled Great Commission (see: Matthew 28:18-20), so that everything might be restored…including Muppets.



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One Response

  1. Even sacred things are not safe if they are touched by the media. I saw a video not too long so in which this lady was “roasting” Jesus, and she jokes about doing the thing that only married couples should do WITH JESUS.

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