Pop Culture Matters (A Lot!) – An Intro To The New FBC Video Channel

Pop culture matters. A lot. For many reasons, including the fact that pop culture plays a significant role upstream of things like politics, economics, education, and art, all of which are very important to King Jesus and, as a result, should be very important to those who claim to love and serve King Jesus. Things […]
A Stack Of Foundations Does Not A Building Make

Film, literature, art. Movies, poems, comic books. For some weird and wildly unbiblical reason, these sorts of things are looked down on by many self-assessed “mature” or “deep” Christians. Just to be clear, I’m not talking merely about the perverted versions of these things presently permeating the culture. I’m talking about the things themselves – […]
Saving Sci-Fi (And Everything Else) From The SJW Madness

What happens when culture is surrendered to the enemy? What happens when Christians decide that they’re “too spiritual” to pursue excellence in film, literature, and art or that “there’s no point anyway” because “the culture will only get worse and worse anyway before the rapture”? Put another way, what happens when “Christians” stop believing, obeying, […]
Babel, Rogue One, and The Man in the High Castle

I finally got a chance to catch Rogue One this week. Normally I’m one of Those People who takes in Star Wars flicks at the earliest legally allowed viewing opportunity, but this time around there was just too much better-than-Star Wars stuff going on (like the arrival and settling in of Baby Buss #3, for […]
Mocking The Prophets Of Baal: The Beauty And Power Of Christian Satire (And Why So Many People Hate It)

Should Christians ever openly mock the enemies of God? Should Christians ever publicly ridicule anti-Christian concepts, causes, and worldviews? Even when those concepts, causes, and worldviews are espoused by professing Christians? Should we? If so, how? What is appropriate? When is it appropriate? And why is it appropriate when it is appropriate? What forms of public mockery and […]
Escapism vs. Exaltation: Two Opposing Motives for Sci-Fi and Fantasy

Why do we imagine? Why do we fantasize? What is healthy fantasy? What is unhealthy fantasy? How do we determine the difference between the two and live in light of that distinction? How do we understand and interact with things like Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, The Chronicles of Narnia or […]
The Beauty of Orcs

Ever been stopped in your tracks by the sheer beauty of an orc? Have you ever been compelled to pause and ponder their captivating and inspiring nature? Have you ever thought of how thankful you and the rest of the world should be for their particular flavor of loveliness? Of course, I’m not talking about physical comeliness or attractiveness here. Orcs […]