Pop Culture Matters (A Lot!) – An Intro To The New FBC Video Channel
Pop culture matters. A lot. For many reasons, including the fact that pop culture plays a significant role upstream of things like politics, economics, education, and art, all of which are very important to King Jesus and, as a result, should be very important to those who claim to love and serve King Jesus. Things […]
Batman Goes Full Frontal Stupidity
DC Comics recently released a new Batman comic book in which Batman is presented in frontal nudity form. While the new title, appropriately titled Batman: Damned, gives us clarity on parts of Batman that few, if any, Batman fans actually want, perhaps the even more pathetic and disappointing revelation made plain by Batman: Damned is […]
Why Sane People Ignore SJW Demands On Sex And Gender
On the one hand we’re supposed to be obsessed with pursuing “proper representation” (which is conveniently left undefined) of women in movies, games, comics, and jobs of all sorts. And on the other hand, Bruce Jenner is a woman. Really. Not. Even. Kidding. This is what passes for “reality” in the crazyland of Social Justice […]
Marvel Re-Launches Failed Gay (Per)Version of Iceman
One of the many ways in which the inherent bankruptcy and laziness of Social Justice Warrior ideology presents itself is in its advocates’ inability to create their own compelling fictional characters, stories, and settings from which to advance their agenda. Instead, SJW’s rely on capturing existing icons and perverting them into tools to use in […]