The Farce Is Female: 10 Things Disney “Star Wars” (Accidentally) Tells Us About Reality

What happens when silly women and their beta male pets get hold of one of – if not the – most popular, profitable, inspiring and valuable intellectual properties in existence? They wreck it, of course. Since the same silly women and beta male gang in question tend to insist on the selective application of group […]
King of Kings: Political, Patriarchal & All-Conquering

He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords. . ~ Revelation 19:15-16 . There’s a whole lotta crazy sweeping the culture these days, particularly on the patriarchy front, […]
Castrated Christianity

Sure, we all know that Snowflake Culture has overtaken and redefined America, but how did it happen? How did feelings come to trump facts? How did niceness (incoherently defined and selectively applied, of course) come to displace the spirit of loving confrontation and correction necessary to the pursuit of truth, the preservation of liberty, and […]