Andy Stanley, Joel Osteen, and how the bad theology of preaching fathers produces nightmarish preacher sons.

Weak theology and the inconsistent pursuit of Scripture by fathers naturally tends to produce worse theology and a more flagrant disregard for the Word of God in sons. Nowhere is this truth more evident than in the world of modern American Megachurchism. Joel Osteen and Andy Stanley are two more obvious examples of the day, with the latter […]
Dr. Everett Piper stands firm against waves of evangelical Trump whores.

While at times it may seem (or smell) as though the whole of American evangelicalism is being led by a gang of smarmy, worldly, empire-building, numbers-driven spiritual whores and prostitutes, nothing could be further from the truth. God always provides. God always preserves a remnant within what often seems to be a hopeless and unsalvageable situation. While ginormo-ministries […]
“Evangelical Leaders” Bet On Strip Club Profiteer To “Make America Great Again”

Et tu, Robert Jeffress? As in, pastor Robert Jeffress of the First Baptist (Mega-)”Church” in Dallas. As in, the same Robert Jeffress we covered back in July when we chronicled his ridiculously anti-Christian, pro-Statist approach to the biblically defined subject of children’s education. So it really shouldn’t come as much of a shock to learn […]
Jerry Falwell Jr. Endorses Biblically Illiterate Strip Club Owner for President

So American evangelicals have found their strip club owner! They’ve found the one strip club owner capable of saving the culture. They’ve found the one strip club owner able to “Make America Great Again!” At least that’s the proclamation of one Jerry Falwell Jr., who, according to various reports published today, has decided that Donald […]