History in the Making: July 2020 Snapshot and Predictions

“A hundred years from now, there will be history professors who specialize in the study of one quarter of the year 2020.” I remember instantly thinking, “Yeah, that’s about right” as I read that a few weeks back, on Twitter I think. It’s a paraphrase, but you get the idea: We are living in an […]
What I want my kids to know about how I saw the world on April 4, 2020.

Every now and then the period of time in which we live seems to launch into a higher gear than we imagined possible just before the shift happened, bringing with it high stakes and a high octane vibe the likes of which usually only come along once in a lifetime, if that often. Every now […]
Keep Your Eye On The Bug: Don’t Let Anyone Distract You From Key Attributes Of Coronavirus

Let’s start by calmly, coolly noting five key attributes of the novel Chinese Coronavirus as it actually exists and has been observed to function in the real world: It has a much higher fatality rate than the average seasonal flu. Despite many a meme and wishful proclamation to the contrary, this bug is 10-30 times […]
Quarantined “Facts”: How some are using China-fed data to discourage U.S. preparedness.

One of the many strange things floating around the interwebs these days is the proliferation of China-fed data as it relates to the Coronavirus pandemic. The fact that China-crafted numbers are making the rounds isn’t surprising in and of itself, but one interesting thing about this particular wave of Communist China spin proliferation is the […]
Fear Mongering from Anti-Preppers Soars (All in the Name of Fighting Fear)

Do you like having access to things like food, water, and toilet paper? Do you like for your children to have access to things like food, water, and toilet paper? Are you a happy, calm, responsible adult who thinks that having a couple months’ supply of such things on hand for your family is a […]
It’s Time To Brace For Coronavirus Impact

Much has happened on the pandemic front since I posted Coronavirus and the Viral Spread of Decentralization at the beginning of the month, with two developments serving nicely as bookends to the situation as it stands here near the end of February: The Coronavirus pandemic sailed past every threshold required for qualification as a pandemic, […]