What if persecution is exactly what American Christianity needs?

As we draw closer to Election Day in America, we are predictably being encouraged to fear anything and everything but God so that we might then spin, rationalize, and fabricate all manner of imaginary cover to justify our supporting this year’s incarnation of “the lesser evil”, so that said evil might take us down the path to cultural implosion and […]
The Fear-Driven Voting of America’s “Conservative Christians”

Terrorism! Radical Muslims! The gay agenda! Barack Obama! Hillary Clinton! Justin Bieber! Fear! Fear! Fear! Panic! Panic! Panic! Crisis! Crisis! Crisis! If one thing is plain about the “conservative Christian” portion of America’s electorate, it is that fear is the primary motivator determining how its members spend their energy, resources, and votes. What Scripture refers […]
The Difference Between Thumping the Bible and Believing It

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. ~ 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (emphasis added) Do we believe this? Do we actually believe that Scripture equips us adequately for every […]
5 Reasons Why American “Christians” Cheer the Persecution of American Christians

We live in wild and wacky times. And its probably gonna get a whole lot wilder and wackier before it gets much better. That much seems certain. The America of 2015 is so far down the pike (and drain) from the America of just 2000 or 2005 that it really can be hard for many […]
It’s all fun and games…’til someone actually defines Christianity.

I’m a Christian. You’re a Christian. Practically everybody in America is a Christian. Naturally then, this makes practically every politician in America a Christian (Barack Obama, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton included, of course). Just ask ’em. When they respond by saying that they’re a Christian, that can only mean one thing: They’re a […]
Faith, Courage, and Hope in the Face of Ebola

What a difference a day makes. Just 24 hours ago, we had not yet gotten the news that an Ebola-infected “patient zero” had been diagnosed in America. Up until that moment, many of us prayed and hoped that this devastating plague would not find its way to our land. Others artificially preserved their optimistic take through an ignorance-is-bliss […]
Enemy of the Statist: Christ-Centered Liberty vs. Man-Centered Tyranny

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole […]