America Goes Gay While Russia Celebrates #RealFamily

  In what must surely be a devious, evil commie plot, the Russkies have shamelessly taken a flagrantly anti-American stand on the definition of family. More specifically, the malevolent forces of (temporarily undercover) commie-ness have taken a hard line stand both for a biblically coherent definition of family and, even worse, against the legitimacy of the […]

Woman jailed for obeying God in America…while Gay America chants “love wins!”

County Clerk for Rowan County, Kentucky – Kim Davis – was led off to jail today after refusing to issue licenses for “gay marriages” in direct violation of the unbreakable, unshakable, universally binding Word of God. Welcome to America. Welcome to the New America, where we are now reaping the full, foul fruit of “We the […]

TD Jakes takes American Religion to its inherently gay conclusion.

What does “We the People” religion look like in action? Where does a “We the People”-centered worldview lead in practice? Well, if you live in America, all you need to do is have a look around. The “We the People” worldview inherently, inevitably and quite proudly leads to everything from the “freedom” to murder tens […]

Boy Scouts of America get with the Big Gay Program.

At this point, news of the Boy Scouts of America formally allowing gay Scout leaders seems kind of…well…dull. Don’t get me wrong: It’s pathetic, sickeningly sad and evil, too. It’s just that in our current All-American pride-fueled rocket ride to oblivion context, the capitulation of the Boy Scouts of America to the Big Gay Wave is anything but surprising. After all, […]

Franklin Graham’s Incoherent “Fight” Against the Homosexual Agenda

One of the least surprising things in all of God’s creation seems to be the thing that’s most surprising to the vast majority of “American conservative Christians” who simply cannot believe how fast the culture is melting down around them, particularly in the realm of sexuality. But really, what could be more predictable than the sexual, […]

This gay pasta promotion has been brought to you by…American “Christianity”.

Talk about a bad macaroni art experience. Now we have “gay pasta” used to promote and proudly represent the decline of western civilization. I know, I know…this is getting old. Everything is gay this, LGBTQRSTUV that. And that’s part of their plan: The “Forces of Tolerance” and Orwellian liberty aim to wear us into submissive […]