Four Family-Empowering Techs That Christians Should Master

For all the “end times” wackiness unfolding around us, there’s a whole lot to be excited about in a very good way right here and right now in God’s creation. Sure, American culture is coming apart at the seams on a macro level in pretty much every realm of life as a consequence of its proud, ongoing rebellion against […]
POLL: What does Al Gore regret most about inventing the Internet?

This is a poll associated with the post titled “Another Reason Al Gore Regrets Inventing the Internet” as posted on September 17, 2009. [polldaddy poll=2006265] Of all the regrets that Al Gore may have regarding his fateful decision to invent the Internet, which one bugs him the most? What better way to explore this question than […]
Another Reason Al Gore Regrets Inventing the Internet
It’s hard to believe that just over seven days ago,, the website that broke the ACORN story, didn’t even exist. In just that week’s time, the ongoing saga of corruption, child-prostitution and Charlie Gibson’s blissful ignorance has produced remarkable results and awakened many Americans to the sad realities defining mainstream media coverage and contemporary […]