As Feminism Rambles On, Women Get Progressively More Miserable

Feminism makes women miserable. This is the well-documented (and entirely predictable) trend spanning several generations now. And why? Because feminism is at war with femininity. As with most of the Orwellian propaganda terminology permeating the culture these days, feminism is no more pro-femininity than Progressivism is about actual human progress. Feminism is about attacking and […]

Misery Loves (And Often Demands) Company

A lying tongue hates its victims, and a flattering mouth works ruin. ~ Proverbs 26:28 I can still remember coverage of election night like it was yesterday. The evening’s festivities began with jubilant “professional” prognosticators, pollsters, and political experts exuding the anticipatory joy of a spoiled rich kid waiting to get the keys to his […]