False Flags vs. Real Action: Could the President please stop tweeting long enough to shut down the Department of Education?

So the President tweets endlessly about making people sing to the flag, yet he can’t seem to find the time to do something real like shut down the Department of Education. Coincidence? Probably not. Flag (and thereby State) worship is a primary function of the Temples of Statism known as American public schools. Shaping the […]
Newsflash: Singing The National Anthem *IS* A Political Statement

Of all the mind-blowingly stupid ideas being tossed around during The Great American National Anthem Crisis of 2017, one of the more revealing nuggets of idiocy is the oft-repeated contention that those who are protesting by not singing the national anthem before a football game “shouldn’t mix sports with politics”. They “shouldn’t use that time to make a […]