Affleck’s Batman, Weinstein’s Super-Predator, And The Dawn Of Justice Over Hollywood

The cause, character, and continuing trajectory of the Harvey Weinstein scandal now consuming Hollyweird is, in essence, neatly summarized in one tiny little scene from last year’s big budget blockbuster “superhero” flick, Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Before we dive into that clip, it’s important to note that this Harvey Weinstein thing is a Big Deal, and […]
“Religion of Peace” rapes and pillages Europe…while America waits in line.

The enlightened, Progressive, and thoroughly paganized people of Europe are being forced to do a lot of things these days. For one, more and more of them are being forced to endure sexual assault at the hands of various representatives of the “Religion of Peace” (AKA Islam). For two, more and more of them – in response to […]
US Army protects man-on-boy rape en route to first openly gay leader.

What does a culture – and its military – look like when it is severed from the lordship of Christ? What does a culture look like and what does its military become when both define and pursue “security”, “liberty”, and “freedom” apart from submission to the King of kings? What does a culture and its military devolve […]
No Child Rapist (or Child Rape Profiteer) Left Behind – Change for America, ACORN Style
And the hits just keep on comin’…
First, broke the ACORN/child prostitution story. Then they broke another.
Of course, in between stories number one and two, the cocked-and-loaded “you’re just a buncha racists!” guns were blazing, as they always seem to be these days. All who oppose Obama, Obamaism, Obamacare or Obama pals are, of course, racist.