10 Reasons Christians Should Not Teach In Public Schools

Some of my favorite people have been public school teachers. Some of my favorite people are public school teachers. Some of my favorite people are Christians who are teaching or have taught in American public schools. As a product/victim of American State-run worldview programming myself, I have much to be thankful for. High on the list is God’s perfect, purposeful use […]
Let’s play the “I identify as…” game! (Spoiler alert: I am Batman…and Spider-man, too.)

When I was three, I wanted to be Spider-man. Or an Astronaut. Whichever would be fine. Later in life I came to realize that the Astronaut option pro’ly wasn’t gonna pan out. Even so, I remained hopeful for a radioactive spider bite, so I consoled myself with knowledge that there was always at least an outside shot of […]
So why can’t Dolezal be black and Jenner be a woman? Isn’t that the new American way?

Okay, so by now we all know that it’s really, really easy to point, mock, and snicker at the raging, babbling insanity of many around us as we shake our heads in disbelief and self-righteously ask, “What is wrong with these people?!” You know the people I mean: People like Bruce Jenner, who recently “came out” […]
How “Judge Not!” Phony Christianity Has Fundamentally Transformed America

When it comes to “fundamentally transforming America” into a living hell of Corporate State power over (happily) ignorant and dependent masses, who needs Barack Obama when you have…biblically illiterate, apathetic and detached “conservative Christians”? Ever notice how “Christians”, including the most supposedly “conservative” in the camp, aren’t really all that into submitting to the clear truths of […]