The Martian, the Gospel and the pouting unbeliever.

Holly and I took in The Martian last night and it was all that I’d expected it to be after hearing and reading many rave reviews. It was very well acted and very well directed (Ridley Scott is a genius). It had a solid enough plot and interesting enough twists. It was a well polished […]
Isn’t our robotic future exciting? (Or: Should Christians fear or embrace technology?)

China has announced plans to construct an all-robot manufacturing plant. And this scares some people. There are good reasons for healthy concern (not to be confused with fear). A whole lotta folks and families are about to have their economic worlds – and overall worldviews – fundamentally rocked. They’re going to learn the hard way that the “reality” […]
Why All Christians Should Own Robots

Every Christian should own robots. If not literally, then at least conceptually. We should definitely own the idea of robots. The present and potential uses of such perpetually improving wonders ought to have us jazzed in ways that no pagan could even dream of matching. But we don’t tend to take that route, do we? [Tweet “Every […]
Our Future in the Stars
Not so long ago, in a galaxy not nearly far enough away… Actually just a few weeks back and in this galaxy – on this very planet, even – there was a particular mansion-wandering mega-consumer and hyper-capitalist who was basking in the glow of his most recent multi-gazillion dollar earning success story. Well, this particular success was much […]