It’s easy to whine.

It’s easy to complain.

It’s easy to be a critic.

Especially when it comes to politics and politicians.

What’s not so easy is doing the hard things needed in order to encourage, equip, and guide political leaders in a Christ-centered direction.

It’s easy to allow the “politician” label to take on a negative or prejorative vibe that it does not inherently possess. It’s easy for us to use that flawed characterization or caricature of the politican to treat them as something less or lower than human. It’s easy to forget that not only are politicans people – image-bearers of God – but that civil government is also His creation and every image bearer that holds a position of political power and influence has been placed there by Him for His purposes.

Thinking of politicians as image-bearers of a God who has placed them in unique positions of power and influence for His purposes is not the norm in America.

But that is exactly what they are: Individual people purposefully given power and authority by God – the same God who has called His people (the Church) to make special effort to disciple these leaders so that they might influence the culture around them in a manner that is increasingly consistent with His Nature as revealed in His Word.

It is in this context that I’m both honored and thrilled to report that I will be working with Capitol Ministries in an effort to help make disciples of political leaders in Nashville, Tennessee.

There is much more that I hope to share soon as this adventure unfolds (and many cool stories to share as to how things got to where they are now), but for now let me just say that, after having had extensive conversations with many of the men and women working diligently in this ministry, and after meeting with several of them in Denver over a four day stretch to sharpen and share ideas, I could not be more impressed with this group’s mission and I could not be more thankful to God for allowing me to play a role in it.

Taking this mission on is no small change for me. It will require much in the way of time and preparation. Some recent projects (like my new video channel material, which I am quite jazzed about) will be delayed for a week or so as I focus this weekend on spending time with my new CapMin family, but regular Fire Breathing Christian work should go on with minimal interruption.

I’ve been uniquely blessed in recent years to learn and grow alongside many wonderful Brothers and Sisters in Christ in the Tennessee General Assembly. (For one example of this, please read A Cool Moment At The State Capitol.)

Your prayers and support are coveted as this new adventure takes shape.

It won’t be easy.

It’ll take a lot of time.

It’ll take a lot of work.

But the rewards and relationships waiting on the other side of these efforts will have eternal significance…all by God’s grace and all for His glory.


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You can also help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission by checking out these books:

Stupid Elephant Tricks – The Other Progressive Party’s War on Christianity takes a painful but much needed look at how Christ-less “conservatism” has captivated Christians and co-opted them into helping march the culture ever deeper into darkness:

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The Beginning of Knowledge: Christ as Truth in Apologetics is an approachable, easy to read introduction to Christ-centered apologetics:

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Apathetic Christianity: The Zombie Religion of American Churchianity explores the tragic true horror story of all-American dead religion masquerading as Christianity:


On Education is a compilation of some of the most provocative and compelling Fire Breathing Christian articles on the subject of children’s education:

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There Is No “God-Given Right” To Worship False Gods is a compilation of some of the most provocative Fire Breathing Christian articles on the subject of America’s embrace of a satanic approach to religious liberty:

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Fire Breathing Christians – The Common Believer’s Call to Reformation, Revival, and Revolution is the book that first presented the FBC mission to apply the Gospel-fueled Great Commission in every realm of God’s creation:

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An alternate white cover version of Fire Breathing Christians is available:

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There is also an alternate black cover version of Fire Breathing Christians:

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Finally, here are a few good intro/reminder links for those of you who are new to Fire Breathing Christian and curious about exactly what’s goin’ on ’round here:

What are you, some kind of [insert label here] or something?!

What’s with that shark-fishie graphic thing?

Intro to Fire: The Power and Purpose of the Common Believer

When the Bible gets hairy. (Or: Is it right for men to have long hair?)

And especially this one: Never forget that apart from God’s grace you and I are complete morons.

Thank you for your support!


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