How Nike’s new Colin Kaepernick ad is much worse than Fox News will tell you.

According to corporate America and the pop culture it’s crafted carefully for generations, we’re supposed to “believe in something”…”even if it means sacrificing everything.” They’re not joking. They really mean it, and in all the worst ways possible, as the past fifty years or so should have made painfully plain to anyone with two brain […]
To despise the Law of God is to despise the Son of God. (Or: Truth you won’t hear in most American churches.)

If we have a low regard for God’s Law, we a have a low regard for God’s Son. We don’t hear that much from American church pulpits these days, do we? Yet few truths are more clearly conveyed in God’s Word. Again and again, Jesus is described as the embodiment and fulfillment of what? The […]
If the Devil won the GOP nomination…

Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to him, “All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me.” ~ Matthew 4:8-9 While there’s much that we don’t yet know as to where […]
Is Bruce/”Caitlyn” Jenner the new face of American Christianity?

What does it look like when a culture dives deep into the Kool-Aid of “We the People” as god in practice? What does it look like when everything – beginning with the Nature of God and the necessity of His Word to life – is left open to our self-serving, self-centered interpretation (and perpetual re-interpretation)? A […]
The State as God in practice: How we currently evangelize through government, law and education.

How did it come to this? How did we in the name of freedom come to openly allow the systematic murder and dismemberment of our own children? How did we in the name of liberty come to accept the sacrifice of children by the tens of millions on the twin altars of convenience and profit? […]
Did “conservative” British Prime Minister Cameron just confirm that man-centered “law” is about lead us to Orwellian hell?

The UK Independent recently posted an interesting little article smartly titled, This is the creepiest thing David Cameron has ever said. Therein we are treated to the following gem of quote attributed to conservative British Prime Minister Cameron: “For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens: as long as you obey […]
“God-given rights” are only as legit as the god giving them.

How many times have we heard (or even been) someone with little or no regard for God going on and on and on with a passionate description and defense of their “God-given rights”? We have the “right” to this, the “right” to that, and the “right” to the other thing over there. We can (and will) go […]
Razing Hell: The Christian Call to War on Autonomy

The Christian Call to War on Autonomy . Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” And the woman said to the serpent, “We […]
The Alpha of Apologetics…and Everything Else

There’s a popular saying: ‘live and learn’. That is exactly the first lie that Satan told Adam and Eve. . . . what God was teaching was ‘learn and live’. ‘Do what I tell you. You don’t have to experience it, just do what I tell you. If I tell you it’s good, it’s […]