What is “Mark of the Beast” economics?
“How much harder is it for a Christian to get a job or keep a job with a major American corporation than it was, say, 15 years ago? What if that Christian has taken clear, public stands in obedience to Christ and out of loving concern for the lost in accordance with the Gospel and […]
5 Reasons Why American “Christians” Cheer the Persecution of American Christians
We live in wild and wacky times. And its probably gonna get a whole lot wilder and wackier before it gets much better. That much seems certain. The America of 2015 is so far down the pike (and drain) from the America of just 2000 or 2005 that it really can be hard for many […]
Duggar Drama and the Trans-Jennerism of American Culture
‘Bout this time last month, ‘Merica was treated to the news that Bruce Jenner had “transitioned” into a Republican Christian Woman. ‘Bout this time last week, news erupted on the Duggar Family front, centering on revelations of serious sexual sin on the part of Josh Duggar when he was in his mid-teens (over a decade […]
Get with the Big Gay Program…or suffer the economic consequences.
The anti-Christian economic momentum spearheaded by unbelieving elites atop Corporate America seems to shift into a higher gear with each passing month. Where once it was stunning to hear of such things as Christians being fired for their fidelity to Scripture on the subjects of family, marriage, and sexuality, now such tales have become the expected norm. […]
So even the Germans are creeped out by our Surveillance State.
So even the Germans are creeped out by our Surveillance State. Nice. I mean, you’ve got to admit, that’s a pretty impressive thing we just did there. Way to go, ‘merica! [insert “U!-S!-A!” chant here] As The Washington Post reported today, Germany has formally requested that the US CIA station chief based in the country just go ahead […]
Christ-less Economics: It’s Pretty Gay, too.
It’s not exactly news that Christians who dare operate their businesses in accordance with biblical principles are increasingly taking it on the chin as America’s Corpo-Fascist spin on “the mark of the beast” rolls out and over the culture. It’s also not exactly stunning anymore to hear that Christ-honoring folks are getting economically hammered for their lack […]
Corporate “Mark of the Beast” Rollout Continues
Here we go again… Today the Drudge Report posted a headline that read, CHASE Bank asks employees if they are “allies of the LGBT community”, which connected to a Breitbart article posted yesterday, entitled Second Employee Alleges Chase Bank Surveyed Staff’s LGBT Loyalty. Chronicling the steady rollout of corporate America’s “mark of the beast” style economic […]
Christ-less “Education”: It’s Pretty Gay
Recent stories on “the horrors of public schools” (and there are always scores and scores of “recent stories” on this subject, aren’t there?) can be hard to stomach. Very hard to stomach, but not because of the particular details contained in any single incarnation of these never-ceasing, ever-increasing, seemingly omnipresent State-controlled “education” horror stories, but because people – […]
Marked by the beast: Where Christ-less economics has led us, and what we can do about it.
I had no idea that someone could be so excited about describing a phone charger, but there she was, just beaming as she went along. She glowed with pride and was as warm and friendly as can be while kindly and thoughtfully walking me through brief presentations on about a half dozen options in […]
A Mark of the Beast
Throughout church history there’s been intense curiosity and fascination with the “mark of the beast” described in the book of Revelation. While serious interest in the truth of God as revealed in His Word is a wonderful thing, in recent decades much of what is marketed as end times intrigue has been detached from its biblical foundation. Once that happened, it was bound to blossom into something quite ugly, and blossom it has.
Intro to Fire – The Power and Purpose of a Common Believer (Excerpt from “Fire Breathing Christians”)
This has been a long time in the making, but the day has finally come…
Posted here is the introduction from Fire Breathing Christians – The Common Believer’s Call to Reformation, Revival, and Revolution. The book will be released in late October. In the days leading up to launch, I will be posting excerpts from many of its 21 chapters so that you might get a feel for the material without having to go to the trouble or expense of purchasing a copy. Of course, if you like what you see, I fully expect you to buy at least three copies.
Gentle Reminder to Biblical Christians: This World Hates You, Your God, and Pretty Much Everything That You [Should] Stand For
Biblical truth cuts.
The whole, undiluted Gospel that we as Christians are charged to proclaim to a fallen, God-hating world will inspire discomfort, disdain and, more often than not, open repudiation and persecution from those who choose rebellion in response to God’s command to repent.
This is not merely a matter of high probability.
It’s not a maybe kind of thing.
It’s a certain kind.
As in 100%.
Comrade Oxymoron and His Deconstruction of Christianity
Did you know that “Christian worldview” is an oxymoron?
Me neither.
And don’t worry; it isn’t.
Yet just this weekend I spoke with a professing Christian who actually believes that “Christian worldview” is indeed oxymoronic. He said so. Out loud. He wrote about it, too.
Dr. James White: Barack Obama’s Dream for a Secular, Non-Christian Nation
While basking in the nuke-like afterglow of The One’s recent speech to the “Human Rights Campaign”, a homosexuality/bisexuality/pick-your-sexuality/anything-goes advocacy group, I’ve been cobbling together information for a project on this subject and recently came across an outstanding video posted on YouTube by Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries.
I’ve placed this video at the Fire Breathing Christian home page as well as at the James White video page.
One-Trick Donkey: The Democrat and His Precious Race Card
Bubba Clinton…Van Jones…Jimmy Carter…Al Gore…Walter Mondale…Jesse Jackson…Jeremiah Wright!
Arianna…Donahue…Charlie Rangel…Barry O…Chris Matthews…John Dingell… Janeane Garafalo!
Think Billy Joel’s We Didn’t Start the Fire and just keep adding names as they pop into your head. I stopped at verse three-hundred-twenty-nine, but there’s nothing to keep you from going on with this little musical exercise, well, forever. If there’s one thing that might (remember, I said might) rival the sanctity of infanticide as a holy rite in the cult of progressive liberalism, it is the sacred art of playing the race card.
Everybody Expects…the Liberal Inquisition! (Part 2)
On April 29th, 2004, Canada’s governor general signed into law a measure that criminalized public expression in opposition to homosexual behavior, officially categorizing some orthodox Christian beliefs, when verbalized publically, as “hate speech”.
Welcome to the hopey, changey world of tolerance and inclusiveness, Perez Hilton style.
The Scarlet ‘R’
Every protest of the “progressive” agenda is fundamentally fueled by pervasive racism in America…or so the Liberal Inquisition would have you believe. Any expression of even the slightest suspicion regarding President Obama, Obamacare, Obama pals like Charlie Rangel or ACORN is immediately tagged as racially motivated.
Everybody Expects…the Liberal Inquisition!
By now, everybody expects the Liberal Inquisition. Before one can even finish the thought preceding any pronouncement critical of anything “progressive”, they must resign themselves to the knowledge that, should they actually let their politically incorrect words fly, they will be branded.
The Scarlet R will be upon them.