When Idols Collide: What is God showing us by pitting two American idols against one another?
While many of the conversations and commentaries supposedly aimed at examining the ongoing Patriotism vs The NFL drama are loaded with silliness and distract from far more meaningful points than they illuminate, there’s still much gold to be mined here. There are many worthwhile points to notice and questions to consider. Questions like, “What is God […]
NFL Playoffs, Presidential Politics, and Other [Purposeful] Distractions (Radio interview on the “Stand Up for the Truth” program.)
Pro football…good or evil? Or perhaps good and evil? What about American Politics and Socialism? How drenched in the latter has the former become? And how saturated in Socialism have the political views of most professing conservative Christians in America become? These and other questions served as springboards for what turned out to be a […]
What a missed Vikings field goal tells us about the death of America.
Who says American “Christians” can’t get all fired up and culturally engaged in dramatic fashion? Who says that tens of millions of professing Christian evangelicals in America can’t hoot, howl, and passionately engage anyone within shouting distance when the subject of consideration is something that really matters to them? Who says American “Christians” can’t be […]
“America’s Team”, domestic violence, dead babies, and how a picture trumps a thousand lies.
Sometimes pictures of a savagely brutalized human being are seized upon to move culture in a particular direction (ideally – though not always – away from the activity or behavior reflected in the picture in question). Sometimes they are not. Recently released pictures of the damage allegedly done by NFL defensive end Greg Hardy to his […]
The Corporate Sponsored Death of Gender in America
“Be all that you can be!” “You can do anything that you set your mind to!” “Don’t let anyone tell you what you can or can’t do!” “Don’t let anything stand between you and your goals!” These are the All-American (and Corporate-sponsored) emotion-driven battle cries of self-absorption that have come to define us. Our songs, […]
Men: Do you know more about sports than you do about Scripture?
What with gay rodeos going on in Arkansas; the NCAA, NFL, ESPN, and pretty much every other Sports Corporation wholly embracing (and enforcing) a pro-homosexual agenda), and things like American Pharoah’s “eternal glory” attaining win over the weekend, it’s pretty clear that Corporate-produced sports theater plays a major role in captivating, defining and controlling the […]
American Pharoah Chases Down “Eternal Glory”(?)
“American Pharoah won the Belmont to achieve eternal glory as the first horse to win the Triple Crown since 1978.” That was the caption under the featured pic atop the home page of NBC Sports earlier today, and understandably so. I’m not aiming to go off on some sort of “Jesus-juking” move to seriously impugn the use […]
The NCAA, the NFL, and why your grandkids will be pro-gay.
Before we even get started on the latest installment of As The World Turns Gay, let’s start up front by acknowledging the one overarching rule as to how we are all told that we must handle the LGBTQ issue and pretty much any other culturally impactful subject. The Rule of rules is this: Anything but […]
How ’bout that awful Patriots’ D last night? Along the Mexican border, I mean…
Did you see the game last night? The Patriots got smoked. They looked terrible. They couldn’t score against the Kansas City Chiefs and they couldn’t stop the Chiefs from scoring on them. So bad was it, in fact, that Tom Brady’s future has been called in question. “Is the Brady era over” is the question […]
Fiat Bread and Football Circuses in Romans 1 America
As the Monopoly Dollar-fueled global fiat economic system teeters on the brink, as the American military lurches from war to war abroad, and as the Orwellian American NSA Security State continues its rollout over the homeland, what is the one question we are all now programmed to purposefully ponder right on cue with all the passion we can […]