What happened to Star Wars? And why does it matter? (VIDEO)

What happened to Star Wars? How bad was Episode VII? How much more damage will Disney do in Episode VIII? Why should these things matter to Christians? These are some of the questions we kick around in the latest post at the FBC video channel. This is something of a follow-up to an article we posted in […]
“How Prince practiced what Christians pretend to believe.” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

In this week’s episode of The Hell Razer Report, we consider the impact of the recently deceased pop culture icon Prince and how he embraced the application of his worldview in all that he did, including his art. We contrast Prince’s appreciation and application of a comprehensive (satanic) worldview with the lack of such comprehensive application by most professing […]
Escapism vs. Exaltation: Two Opposing Motives for Sci-Fi and Fantasy

Why do we imagine? Why do we fantasize? What is healthy fantasy? What is unhealthy fantasy? How do we determine the difference between the two and live in light of that distinction? How do we understand and interact with things like Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, The Chronicles of Narnia or […]
J.J. Abrams Prepares to Sodomize Star Wars

“I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.” ~ Obi-Wan Kenobi J.J. Abrams is paving the way for Star Wars to be sodomized. This is supposed to make us all happy, and if it doesn’t make […]
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Rolls Over In Bed…and what Christians oughta do about it.

Like it or not, love ’em or hate ’em, sci-fi and fantasy are important. They matter. They move minds, lives, and cultures. Thus, Christians oughta make ’em high priority targets to be “taken captive” a la 2 Corinthians 10:5, purging them of sin and purifying them in accordance with the life-giving, everything-reconciling Gospel-fueled Great Commission of King Jesus. […]
Taking Children’s Education and Video Games Captive to Christ (Interview with Colin Gunn of “The Colin Gunn Show”)

“Christian, Liberty and Scottish Perspectives” With a tagline like that, you know something supercool is coming. That’s exactly what you get with Colin Gunn, the creative force behind some of the finest Christian worldview based documentaries that have ever been made (see: IndoctriNation:Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America and Wait Till It’s Free). Colin also […]
Christian arts, public restrooms, and how the pursuit of excellence got “Left Behind”.

I remember reading a piece a while back about how when we thought of a particular thing, if we were to add to it the adjective “public”, the thing in question would instantaneously take a hard plunge pretty much straight down the qualitative rat-hole. If we think of transportation, for example, it would be normal and reasonable […]
The Beauty of Orcs

Ever been stopped in your tracks by the sheer beauty of an orc? Have you ever been compelled to pause and ponder their captivating and inspiring nature? Have you ever thought of how thankful you and the rest of the world should be for their particular flavor of loveliness? Of course, I’m not talking about physical comeliness or attractiveness here. Orcs […]
Our Future in the Stars
Not so long ago, in a galaxy not nearly far enough away… Actually just a few weeks back and in this galaxy – on this very planet, even – there was a particular mansion-wandering mega-consumer and hyper-capitalist who was basking in the glow of his most recent multi-gazillion dollar earning success story. Well, this particular success was much […]