To bow or not to bow: President Trump, American pride, and submitting to the King.

To bow or not to bow. That is the question. Or at least it has been over the past few days of President Trump’s diplomatic adventure to Saudi Arabia. While there’s a truckload of strangeness worthy of examination where the nature of Saudi Arabia and its relationship the United States is concerned, the hope here is to take this opportunity […]
Dear America: Jesus isn’t running for King and His Law isn’t “up for a vote” either. Repent accordingly.

Jesus is King. King over America. Right now. Really. And not just King in some hyper-spiritual, intangible “out there” sense in some (safely) distant heaven or in some (safely) future kingdom. Not in some way that limits Him to church buildings or to choir lofts or to the precious little hearts of His sheep. Nope, He is Lord right […]
Churches Get Their Flags In Order (Please send this on to your pastors)

Ready for some good news? News that is so good, so inspiring, and so practically applicable that you’ll want to share it with your pastor and local church leadership? As regular readers know, one of the drumbeat issues here at Fire Breathing Christian has been the loving but firm confrontation and correction of the now commonplace idolatry of America […]
We the people…are not God.

We the people are not God. We the people are commanded to submit to Christ as King in practice. We the people are not special or “exceptional” in any way that gives us a free pass to ignore, dismiss or reject Christ as King in practice. We the people are commanded to repent of our past and […]
Whose flag should fly highest over America?

Flags are symbols. Symbols of power and authority. You know that, I know that, and the powers that be atop the Corporate American State know that. So it should come as no surprise that those powers have trained us since childhood to pledge allegiance on cue to the selected symbol of the American State’s “indivisible” political union and power. […]
A Cool Moment At The State Capitol

Howdy All, I hope that this post finds each of you well and that the Lord is moving you even in this moment toward deeper adoration, pursuit, and application of His nature. As many of you know, these past couple of weeks have been extraordinarily busy for me at my day job as a Legislative […]