Why Theonomy scares the hell out of people…and cultures…and civilizations…

Ever wonder what the most feared, loathed, hated and despised message to ever hit the ears and self-serving little hearts of unrepentant men and women might be? No need to wonder. Here it is: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in […]
American State seeks to extend unbiblical draft registration to women.

You know all those wars we keep launching here, there, and everywhere, often times pitched as a part of our effort to stop things like the evils of ISIS, who has been known to butcher thousands in cold blood…while at the very same time we protect the open operation of mass baby butchering facilities “legally” allowed here […]
Two things to pray about, please.

Howdy All, I hope that all is well with you and yours and that your week is rolling along nicely. I have two prayer requests as we head into what is shaping up to be an important weekend of preparation. First, please pray that we will continue to grow in impact despite some significant changes made via […]
Presuppositional Civil Government: Who we view as owning civil government determines how we will pursue civil government.

What is government? More specifically, what is civil government? Put another way, what is The State? What are its roles, responsibilities, and limitations? Where might we as Christians go to find the answers to these important questions…hrmmm….I wonder… Maybe to…The State? Ummm…nope. Okay, maybe State-certified and State-approved educators then? Uh…no. Bad idea. Well, howsabout other […]