What is the ruling law of our land?

What is the ultimate ruling law of the land? And I mean right here and now in 2015 America. The biblical answer is crystal clear…and dismissed out of hand by most American “Christians”: The ultimate ruling law of this land (and every other) is, has always been, and shall forever be the unbreakable Word of God. […]

“God-given rights” are only as legit as the god giving them.

  How many times have we heard (or even been) someone with little or no regard for God going on and on and on with a passionate description and defense of their “God-given rights”? We have the “right” to this, the “right” to that, and the “right” to the other thing over there. We can (and will) go […]

The Consequences of Feeding Our Children to the Beast

  What if Scripture – what we call “the Bible” – was infinitely more than anything else ever written or read, because it was an actual and accurate revelation of God’s very nature? Of who He is? What if this literary revelation had been lovingly provided by God to His people for the sake of ensuring that they enjoy the […]

Does the Gospel teach us to oppose or embrace the Law of God?

One of the most beautiful, awe-inspiringly amazing truths of God’s plan for His people is that they are saved by His grace alone through faith alone in His Son alone. Helping to further amplify and clarify the incomparable graciousness of the gift of salvation is the mind-boggling fact that it is supernaturally imposed upon His people while they still hate Him. He […]

What does Jesus bring to politics, education, law, and economics?

  The Bible is loaded with foundational statements that are bizarre, offensive and often quite disgusting to the unbelieving ear. We are commanded to “eat Christ’s flesh and drink His blood”. We are told that He is “the bread of life”, “the Word made flesh”, and that He is “the way, the truth, and the life” personified. […]

7 Empowering Truths for Politically Active Christians

1. All power in heaven and on earth belongs to Jesus…right now. The living Lord of creation was not at all vague when He tasked His people with the Great Commission before flying into the clouds: “And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go […]

As St. Louis simmers, is America begging to be crushed under the wrath of God? YES! WE! ARE!

As we watch a heartland suburb simmer, boil, and erupt into violence between angry mobs of largely State-subsidized dependents and heavily militarized, State-subsidized “police”, it becomes harder and harder to go on pretending…but that doesn’t stop us from trying. We want to imagine that we are a “basically good” people who have only been led astray by […]