Loving America by Killing the America Idol

The conflation of Christianity with America has become one of the most effective tools of Statists in corralling, co-opting, and controlling the “conservative” masses here in the “land of the free” and the home of the NSA. I was reminded of this when I recently bumped into a Tea Party advocate manning a small display at […]

Tennessee’s opportunity to beat Lamar…for biblical reasons.

  Lamar Alexander. He’s folksy. He’s polite. He’s “successful”. And he’s a Republican. So he’s gotta be good then, right? Well… He’s also for adding new taxes, against eliminating Cabinet departments, for raising existing tax rates, for increasing the so-called “debt limit”, for expanding Food Stamps, for “Cash for Clunkers”, against defunding the “Bridge to […]

The Smell of Progress

I can remember living in Seattle just over a decade ago, right before the world was scheduled to end by way of another colossal Microsoft screw-up. Maybe all the techno-apocalyptic hubbub was just another marketing ploy concocted for the likes of Hal Lindsey and Pat Robertson, or maybe it was all a part of prepping the world for Vista. We may never know, but, whatever the case on the Y2K front, Seattle in 1999 definitely was an interesting place to be.

The political sea was churning.

The world was watching.

Progress was in the air.

The Brilliance of Corpseman Obama

Corpseman Obama has a plan. And it’s working. (In the progressive sense of “working”.)

Sure, he may not be the brightest bulb in the pack, but he’s still The One and can at least usually read accurately from a teleprompter. When he does, his message is clear:

He’s all about expanding the slave state in America.

Washington: Can You Hear Us Now?

What a difference a day makes. A day when somewhere around two million strong decide to march on the nation’s capitol, that is.

As the masses mobilized, the Statist media went into a tizzy and liberal activist from coast to coast scurried about trying to tag the millions of liberty-loving American protesters as everything from unenlightened and reactionary to hateful and (of course) racist.